SA National Saxophone Symposium

DSCN4917 IMG_1494 DSCN4978 IMG_1415 IMG_1377 IMG_0026The Second National Saxophone Symposium will take place in Pretoria this year on 23 April 2016. The day will consist of workshops, master classes, recitals and a massed saxophone rehearsal and performance session. This annual event is open to all saxophnists, of any competency level, classical or jazz backgrounds.


Guest artists this year include Matthew Lombard (classical saxophone), Karen Devroop (jazz saxophone), the Integration Trio, the Moya Saxophone Quartet and the Battle of the Saxes Rhythm Section. Sponsors of the event include Marshall Music South Africa, Selmer Paris, Vandoren Paris, Rico Royal, and P Mauriat Paris.


Date: 23 April 2016

Time: 09:00-22:00

Venue: Pretoria Boys High School, 251 Roper Street, Brooklyn

Cost: R200 (active participation) R100 (passive participation)

Facebook Event Page can be located here



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